Thursday, February 25, 2010

House Minority Leader Complains That White House Health Care Summit Is Too Short

By DaysWithDave
Published: February 25, 2010

Ahead of today’s Health Care summit with the white house, House Minority Leader, John Boehner (R) has a new complaint – that the summit to resolve the Health Care Reform gridlock is too short.

Appearing on Fox News yesterday the Republican leader said, “The fact of the matter is, this White House can’t expect two years of trying to take over one-sixth of our economy to be wrapped up in a few hours. I’ve attended brunches that were longer than that.”

Asked about Boehner’s latest criticism at today’s daily press briefing, White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs bitingly replied, “I’m sure that if we were notified earlier we could have found Goldilocks a meeting length that wasn’t too long, wasn’t too short, but just right.”

The summit begins today at 9a.m, (EST)

DaysWithDave is a contributing writer to The Internets.

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