Thursday, March 11, 2010

Scott Brown To File Amendment To Divert Stimulus Funds

By DaysWithDave
Published: March 11, 2010

US Senator Scott Brown, the latest entrant to the 100 member body and newly minted “superstar” of the Republican Party plans to file an amendment tomorrow to redirect unspent stimulus money to upgrade GMC trucks for American workers.
The amendment titled, “Immediate Truck Relief for America’s Workers,” would provide tax credits for millions of American workers who drive GMC trucks to upgrade their vehicles.

The tax credit will allow truck drivers to acquire new truck bed tool boxes, snow tires, truck nuts, and custom details to help the American worker increase their truck based business.

“The best way to revive our economy is to spur job creation by allowing workers who drive trucks to save money on their truck costs. Whether they drive green GMC trucks, or blue GMC trucks, or black GMC trucks, or whatever color trucks. This bill will allow those truck drivers to hire new workers to work out of those trucks,” Brown said.

When asked if this bill could be used to upgrade the green GMC truck he rode to victory in his historic upset election win Brown responded, “I drive a truck! That truck is owned by the people of Massachusetts! What they decide to do with it is there decision and not Washington’s or the media!”

Former Republican Senator of Tennessee and failed Presidential candidate, Fred Thompson is expected to give an enthusiastic endorsement of Brown’s amendment shortly.

DaysWithDave is a contributing writer to The Internets.

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