Thursday, February 25, 2010

GOP Unanimous In Their Criticism Following Health Care Summit

By DaysWithDave
Published: February 25, 2010

Following the unprecedented Health Care Reform summit today involving members of both parties of the House and Senate and the White House and its administration, Republicans were in lock step in their criticisms of the event.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) was the first to speak in the Republican response and immediately pounced on a point he made earlier during the summit that, “Obama got to speak for 438 minutes while we only got to speak for 52 minutes. As Dr. Coburn and Dr. Barrasso pointed out as doctors, one needs to listen when it comes to health care. This was just another photo op that the Democrat president seems to prefer over actual bipartisanship.”

House Minority Leader John Boehner was the next to speak in the GOP response and reiterated complaints that he and other Republicans brought up earlier in the day. He recalled the complaint that Democrats are not listening to the party that was voted out of power. “I’ve gone around to my constituency and beyond and everyone is telling me the same thing,” Boehner said, “We don’t want this bill that was watered down to mean nothing as far as actual reform is concerned. They want us to scrap this bill and start from scratch so that the status quo is kept in place. The current bill is as popular as a sardine sundae, heh, heh.”

Many of the GOP leadership as well as other big named Republicans got a chance to speak. One of those names was Arizona Senator Jon Kyl. Kyl seemed to show the most anger when he stated that, “This was a total waste. This was just another attempt to have the Democrat party say to us, ‘Vote for out plan or shut up.' This wasn’t a bipartisanship event; it was a high profile event to play politics. The American people deserve better than this.”

Many of the remaining speakers on the GOP side cited Obama and the Democrat party’s lack of tax cuts in their plan.

Mike Enzi (R) of Wyoming hammered the point home when he asked, “How are people going to pay for this bloated, government controlled health plan when they’re paying higher taxes to pay for illegal immigrants’ free health care and their abortions?”

The Democrats as well as the White House have not yet responded as of this filing.

DaysWithDave is a contributing writer to The Internets.

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