Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Michelle Bachman To Sue U.S. Government Over Son’s Deployment To Americacorps

By DaysWithDave
Published: August 22, 2009

St. Paul – Michele Bachmann, the loquacious representative from Minnesota’s 6th District, has initiated a lawsuit against the United States government on behalf of her son to block his deployment to Teach For America, a branch of Americorps, a program she is at odds with, as she has been in the past.

As recently as April of 2009, the Representative took to the House floor to denounce the Americorps program, signed into law by President Clinton, as possible “re-education camps for young people.”

“The real concern is that there are provisions for what I would call re-education camps for young people, where young people have to go and get trained in a philosophy that the government puts forward and then they have to go to work in some of these politically-correct forums. As a parent, I would have a very, very difficult time seeing my children do this,” implored Bachmann on the House floor.

Given her opposition to the government program, her son’s enlistment is a major embarrassment for the suddenly high-profile member of Congress. As such, she has sought out ways to prevent her son from serving in the program and has found solace in the marginalized “birther movement.”

Inspired by the unsuccessful Cook v. Obama case filed by Orly Taitz on behalf of Major Stefan F. Cook of the United States Army Reserve, Bachmann has sued on grounds that Obama is not eligible to serve as President based on his Kenyan birth and that her son could not follow him as Commander in Chief, as he would possibly be in violation of international laws for serving an ineligible commander.

Bachmann’s lawyers note that Cook v. Obama only failed because the plaintiff was a volunteer for the Army Reserve and was free to break his commitment. Bachman’s son registered for the program and is not considered a volunteer.

The latest developments in this story have led critics to question whether Bachmann’s son joined out of a devotion to service or to help the “birther movement” get yet another case before a court. Others have lauded the child for branching out from his conservative mother.

The court has taken the case under advisement and will release a status sometime in October.

DaysWithDave is a contributing writer to The Internets.

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