Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Palin Attacks Construction Worker Over Comments About Daughter

By DaysWithDave
Published: June 25, 2009

Boston – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is back in the news a week after taking on David Letterman after his joke involving her daughter, and barely a day after going after a liberal activist blogger for a photo shopped picture of her special needs son to defend yet another one of her children: her daughter Bristol.

The latest uproar stems from a conversation between two construction workers at a downtown Boston construction site in which one of the laborers, Charles Stuart, purportedly referred to Bristol Palin as, “a chub.”

“Mr. Stuart has completely crossed the line here,” Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapelton said in a statement released to the media. “The mere idea that someone would comment on the baby fat of an unwed teen mother is beyond the pale. This once again illustrates the complete lack of decency in our society and the rampant sexism that unwed teenaged mothers face every day.”

Asked if Stuart’s employer, Modern Continental, should fire him over his comments Stapleton responded, “I think that Modern Continental should ask themselves if this is the kind of face they want to have representing their company. Crude comments about an unwed teen mother have no place on a construction site.”

While ruling out a call for Stuart’s termination Stapleton added, “I believe that Mr. Stuart and Modern Continental need to apologize; apologize to the Governor and her daughter, and apologize to all unwed teen mothers everywhere in this great nation of ours.”

The controversy has sprouted a grass-roots movement to have Stuart fired with as many as 7 protesters gathered outside the Congress Street construction site today with signs calling for Charles Stuart’s termination.

A protester who would only give her first name, Harriet, shared her thoughts on the latest firestorm. “We are here because we are outraged, and we’re not going to take it anymore! We have been treated as second class citizens and now not even our daughters are safe! Modern needs to fire him now!”

When asked whether an apology from Stuart would quell the outrage Harriet responded, “To hell with him. Charles Stuart should go jump off a bridge!”

Through a family spokesman Charles Stuart apologized for any offense that had been taken and assured the Governor that despite her daughter’s “chunkiness”, he’d, “still hit it.”

DaysWithDave is a contributing writer to The Internets.

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